Our goal is to streamline your work flows through automation and integration.

By allowing Crystal Clear Data to handle your transactional processing, will relieve the stress and uncertainty of remote working.  Allowing you the time and energy, to build on your valuable supporter relationships. Which after all is the corner stone of your entire organisation.

‘Data Capture is simple, but not necessarily easy’ – David Packenas – CEO, Crystal Clear Data

How we started

Crystal Clear Data was established in 1990. In a world which was run by main frame AS400’s. Where access had to be booked well in advance, and the access charge was $600+ per hour, before development and labour costs.

Data Processing was expensive. Crystal Clear Data helped to revolutionise the industry with a team of home workers, which was unheard of in 1990, and forced us to become creative problem solvers, and the lessons from 1990 still ring true today.

Response MEchs processed

databases built

Medical Research & Supporter Surveys processed

Not for profit clients served